Because heaven forbid I not be the butt of every joke in the world, Caleb over at The Blog Experiment (a very nice blog. He obviously puts more effort into his layout than I do) did a postthe other day where he stole (yes, stole!) a picture I had posted on my Facey B. In the picture he posted, I'm making a face & overall I just don't understand what was going on at the time.

The offending picture. Whert?!
Well, that asshole Caleb has done it again! He just now did another post where he steals EVEN MORE pictures from my childhood that I had posted on the internet. And he is obviously ridiculing me.
He's such a twat-waffle.
Twat-waffle!!!!!!!!!! ROFL ok, well, I was going to make some sort of comment about your expresions in this baby "are you a demon child?" but I won't.
OK...I really can spell .... I meant expression....Geez...there is no edit on this blog!! LOVE YOU Andrew!!
I know! I hate not being able to edit comments.
And I know you love me. <3
even days later this picture = still totally funny.
Aww Andrew how adorable!!!
I may have to start using twat-waffle.
Twat-waffle is appropriate always.
Who knew that that sweet Popeye-looking baby would one day grow up to be a dude who uses the word "twat waffle."
Your dad's mustache would be so disappointed in you right now.
oh.. so nice post.)
Love your blog.))
I now spend a survey of bloggers with such questions.
1. Why did you create a blog?
2. For whom you taking him? Want to be popular?
3. How long will it keep going?
That picture is worth reposting. It's a damn weird-looking face.
PS: I just read his post, and you got SERVED!! That guy is funny.
Big Homie, I feel completely betrayed by you.
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