Friday, October 8, 2010

My Roommate The Porn Star?

Saturday whilst I was at home about to return to Raleigh, I received a text from my roommate (the first time he had spoken to me in a week) telling me he was going to be filming a video in the basement & to be quiet & not go downstairs. Ok.....

I get back & it's really quiet. As I walk to the kitchen to put some groceries up I see there's a sheet blocking part of the basement (we have a spiral staircase so you can see part of the basement from the living room). Ok....

I go up to my room but leave my door open so I could see who was there in case I heard them come out from the basement. Then all of the sudden my roommate & some ethnic male go straight into his room. Ok....

The mail hadn't been retrieved yet, so I went outside & saw yet another guy (of the creeper variety, it appeared) loading either a mattress or box springs onto a trailer along with other props (including part of a basketball goal). Ok....

After my roommate & the ethnic male left I went downstairs to investigate. A bunch of the stuff had been put in the closet or the corner. The big ol' exercise ball was down there. There was a blue light attached to a vacuum cleaner (WTF?). There was some kind of foam padding around the ceiling light. The bathroom door had a used towel hanging up on it & the sink was wet. Ok....

Today I went back down there to see if anything had changed. The towel is gone but now there are what look like bike or athletic shorts hanging on the edge of the tub.

I still have no idea what's going on. If we actually talked it might not be awkward to ask him what he was filming. But as it is I'm sometimes lucky to get a "Hey" out of him. In a way this isn't really surprising because when I first moved in I asked where he worked & he said he just did "odd jobs" such as construction but not often. He said he lived off of his college fund. That must have been a banging college fund to get him through undergrad & grad school.

Why can't I just have a normal roommate?


A said...

that's intriguing. Could be some kind of excercise/fitness type film?
I wouldn't be able to not ask... I'm so damn nosey..

Andrew said...

I mean, it COULD be, but I seriously doubt it.

Andrew walker said...

What does "ethnic" mean? Anybody who isn't white, you racist bastard? ;-)

Aubree said...

haha racist bastard ^

i wish i had a spiral staircase..but not a porn star roommate. foam padding around the ceiling light? interesting.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

I don't like that he never talks to you. And then he finally does talk to you just to tell you to not interrupt his gay porn gang bang video. What a doucher.

Andrew said...

For real.

Caleb said...


I'm trying to use my lawyer-ly mind to think of some plausible explanation for this.

I got nothin'.

When in rome?

Andrew said...

When in Rome indeed....

Ugh. FML.