Monday, January 31, 2011

So Hardcore

The badass Spongebob thermometer. And my bloodshot eyes. Which (fortunately or unfortunately) aren't from narcotics.

It even plays the theme music. Cool, eh?


Daniella Robin said...

You can't even begin to comprehend how jealous I am right now. Spongebob is my homeboy

Andrew said...

Well, you too can have a Spongebob thermometer. If the price is right.

Radioactive Tori said...

We have that thermometer too. I said I bought it for my kids but really I just thought it was cool.

Feel better soon!

Andrew said...

Ha! That's a good excuse though. I'm sure it was quite believable.

I do feel a ton better. All that remains is exhaustion (which comes from being American), a cough, & a raspy voice.

Caleb said...

Maybe you'd feel better if you got a haircut.

Andrew said...

A. You're a turd.

2. I just called a place to schedule an appointment before I read this.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Narcotics might not be a bad idea. You'll feel better. For a little while, at least.