This isn't the story people voted to read, so tough titties. It has more to do with creepy stuff & Halloween & such as. Also? It's a true story of something that happened to my mom.
When my mom was a little girl, she noticed that above the bedpost near her head there was a pair of what appeared to be cat eyes looking down on her; the more she looked, the more she felt comforted. But as she got older, she began to see the eyes less & less. However, they still followed her as she moved from Raleigh (where she was born) to Rocky Mount (where she moved when she was 12).

Child Mommy
Once she became an adult, she didn't see the cat eyes anymore. She got married & moved to Atlanta where she began teaching. But then out of nowhere, she came home one day to her husband kicking her out & demanding a divorce. This prompted a move back home. As she struggled with the divorce & depression, the cat eyes returned. But this time, the eyes weren't as comforting. They had a yellowish tint to them, & had a more sinister appearance. After a while, as she began to overcome the obstacles & started dating the doofus that would eventually become my father, the eyes lost their power over her & eventually they disappeared altogether.

Post-cat eyes Mommy
I don't know if all of you's guys believe in spiritual stuff, but my parents & I do & we firmly believe that there was some demonic hanky panky going on up in this piece.
Also, this story is a lot better when told rather than written.
i could be wrong...but the mustache tells me the post cat eyes mommy picture was taken in the 80's.
that's weird, though. i love cats and am proud to say it (because so many people are like ew cats suck but THEY DON'T!!! at least mine doesn't) but i don't think i'd want a pair of demon kitty eyes stalking me.
Yes, the post-cat eyes picture was taken in either 1980 or 1981.
I believe in that stuff to a point, and that is weird!
What the crap? That's just plain creepy.
Creepy! I believe it all that stuff too. We have so many things that have happened in our family that i plan to blogging about it later on...
I don't know if I believe in that stuff, sometimes I think it is just delusions in our head that we morph into reality. But I still get freaked out a bit and love hearing stories about things like this happening.
Is that a real story? "My mom saw some eyes, and they were all cool and stuff, and then she broke up with a guy, saw the eyes again, they weren't as cool, then she banged my dad."
Add some flair, man! Maybe every time she saw the eyes someone she knew got in a terrible accident the next day. Then one day she heard a disembodied voice saying "you're next..." or something. Spice it up!
I just didn't have it in me...
Your doofus dad scared away the demon! Must be the mustache power. Why'd you call your dad a doofus?
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